
This plugin is the recreation of the mod "Lucky Block" completely replacing the use of the sponge, currently has 137 surprises, good and bad, this plugin is still in development and will not be full, subsequently published the premium version of this plugin with more characteristics. One of the surprises added to this plugin is the marvelous "LuckyChest" that gives you random items according the color of their label, There are also the "MagicWands" with throwable skills like cubecraft...
Just craft the luckyblock following the recipe, put the crafted LuckyBlock on the floor and break it if you have the respective permissions, you will receive surprises.


Admin Permissions:
- LuckyBlockSuper.admin ( Admin Commands )

User Permissions:

- LuckyBlockSuper.use.break ( Break and drop rewards )
- ( Place particle effects and sounds, still working in this...)

Magic Wands:
("WandThrow" is to use the wand,
"AmmoThrow" is to use the single amo wand and throw it.)

-  LuckyBlockSuper.use.tntWandThrow
-  LuckyBlockSuper.use.tntAmmoThrow
- LuckyBlockSuper.use.slimeWandThrow
- LuckyBlockSuper.use.slimeAmmoThrow
- LuckyBlockSuper.use.lavaSlimeWandThrow
- LuckyBlockSuper.use.lavaSlimeAmmoThrow

Comming Soon:

- Lucky Config !!! (it take some days...)
- More MagicWands (Fire, Thor)
- More Rewards
- More UnLuckyRewards
- LuckyBlockSuper [Premium] <with more surprises, tools etc...>
- Sugestions for Lucky and Unlucky Surprices

* I'm still working in the rewards, config.yml and the new MagicWands, and more features too...

* I'm currently working on the wands in the following updates open more wands, for now only the tnt, slime, lavaSlime and Creeper.